“The past is a rock. Climb to understand the future”

“The past is a rock. Climb to understand the future” is designed to support Youth Workers with a background knowledge of methodologies and practices used mostly in the field of theatre which can produce inclusive NFE activities and be also implemented virtually.
The manual will contain specific chapters:
– Non-formal education and youth work
– Social inclusion and discrimination
– Theater as tool of education and social inclusion
– Theatrical techniques in digital youth work
– Psychological impact of creative practices
This manual will serve as reference to be able to implement effectively the activities produced within the project, offering a framework to introduce and link the different concepts and fields addressed by the partners, giving also the chance to create ever new inclusive activities conscientiously.
download the manual
25 ready-to-use activities:
– Designed in an inclusive manner, under the supervision of the University of Seville -based on theatre methodologies and practices under the guidance of Sciara
– Carefully respond to the criteria of NFE under the guidance of Eunoia
– Designed so as to be implemented also in digital format and virtual environments thanks to the experience of Action.
Activities designed in this way will support youth workers in applying theatre methods in practice, despite not being actors or theatre experts, and having ready material that is strongly inclusive and prepared by professionals. Another difficulty in the last year has been the transfer of youth work online.

The activities will be described in a timely and clear manner:
– Introduction of the activity
– Type of activities
– Theme addressed (Inclusion And Diversity; Environment and fight against climate change; Participation in democratic life, common values and civic engagement; Gender-based violence; Bullying and cyberbullying)
– Theater methodologies applied
– Ideal age of participants
– Ideal size of the group
– Time needed to implement it
– Ideal space/how to set up the space
– Material needed
– Digital tools
– Description of the implementation and instructions
– Link to the Manual to get theoretical framework
– Link to video of study case (for the ones available)
– Tips and notes to the facilitator
Digital study cases
Some of the activities produced within the R2 will be selected by the partners to create the YOU.TH. digital study cases (R4). These activities will be implemented during the C3 with 28 young people from the different project partners’ Countries. During the implementation the activities will be filmed in order to collect video material for the realisation of digital study cases. These videos will be edited during the post production phase and will be complemented with explanations, insights and specific focus by professionals, to support youth workers in deeply understanding how the activities work.
These “study cases” are fundamental because observing the implementation and receiving further and detailed explanations will help youth workers in understanding better the dynamics, the use of space, the possible reactions and emotions of participants and will be better prepared in delivering such NFE inclusive activities through methodologies and practices used mostly in the field of theatre.